
six people | twelve times | july 2010

the fabulous tara whitney started a personal project on her blog. i love her work. i love her family. and i love this project:

the idea behind the project is to photograph my own family (all six of us) once a month and post an update. at the end of a year, i'm going to make a book. i'm really excited about this great way to document our lives~
and i need the push to take a picture of all of us at once and actually BE IN IT myself.

this project would have been ideal to begin in january. and actually, i wanted to, but it's july now and finally i'm getting around to starting. oh well.
let's just say, i'm doing it  a bit behind style.
so. here we go.

july. 2010
i don't often make all of us take a picture together.
it's honestly a lot of work and people i live with get grumpy about it.
i usually like to keep things natural, so thus, i'm typically following everyone around with my camera, and never in the frame myself.

when i asked brian if he would go along with this project, he was more than willing.
on this day, he asked what everyone should wear.

i said that i wanted everyone to look exactly like they did right then.
like on a saturday morning.
or going to the park.
wonky hair. mis-matched clothes. no posing.

i just wanted us all squished together on my bed.

i begged and begged years ago, through all of those pregnancies
to get a king sized bed.
finally, before we had elliot, brian and i took the plunge and purchased one.
my last pregnancy contained much more comfortable sleeping...
and now we have so much room for wrestling, reading, and snuggling on our bed.
ironically, now we have that big bed
in the smallest master bedroom we've ever owned. ;)

i felt that our 6|12 project had to start on our bed.
here we are.

nic had a really huge birthday this year... TEN.
his birthdays will always feel big to us because he is always entering into uncharted territory.
and amazingly, that also summarizes who he is in so many ways.
always marching off into what's next.
thrilled for an adventure, a change, something new.
like a scout.
but as our family scout, he has a kind soul to his siblings... and a (sometimes) willing hand
to his mom and dad.
we celebrated over him big for his birthday and we still do.
i've decided that ten is one of my favorite ages.

oliver turned nine this month.
his birthday always sort of sneaks up on me.
he bounces around between one and two years younger than nic... 
i think he prefers one as he definitely finds comfort in close proximity to his brother.
oliver is energetic and playful... and can be really loud at times.
but when you flip that coin, 
he softens into a sentimental wise beyond his years type.
he is always shocking us with a question or statement that stops our logic right in it's track.
i love this about him.
i know he will always say what he thinks and what he thinks is worth listening to.

abigail is six now, 
and just completed the monumental year of kindergarten.
she is PROUDLY sporting her first wiggly tooth
which makes her mama sorta sad.
(i love little baby teeth.)
she is an independent and happy soul.
comfortable with who she is.
she loves to play with elliot or her big brothers (if they'll engage her)
and her friends are dear to heart,
but she also happily shuts herself in her room to play alone many days.
often she comes into our bedroom in the morning and gives us a good morning hug,
and then says, "now i need to go hug stella."
she softens and changes all of us for the better.

elliot wants to be four.
but he is three. and i will not let him rush things.
maybe this will be our forever battle:
him wanting to keep up, me wanting to hold him back.
i still call him my baby (might forever) and he always protests, "NO. i a BIG boy."
i often "rest with him" at night as he is drifting off to sleep
and while sometimes i begrudge it, i mostly think it's a gift.
my favorite part is when he finally settles and is still.
i could stare at his face forever.
those sweet little lips, the cheeks i like to bury my face into, and those thick dark lashes.
so still.
and dare i say it?
he's also hit a MAJOR mile stone.
he is now POTTY TRAINED!!!

which brings me to what i refer to as our family's "sweet spot."
our four kids ages three (no diapers) to ten (still wants to be around us).
we can get out more and go.
and man do i want to... 
who knows how long this will last?

wait. there is one more thing i want to say.
and that is about the man i married thirteen years ago.
it's been a weary(?) year in the life of our marriage~ 
perhaps it's just moving and starting over
and his big important job and me working and having a family this big
and our selfishness and laziness or whatever.
but it's been sorta like the gears are tight.

but recently.
everything changed.
and i feel like there is this big huge umbrella held over our heads
by someone who really knows and really cares enough
to keep us out of that storm for a while
and i am so.

and so in love.

(i think it would be awesome if some of you want to do the project too... you can link up with tara w., but please also leave a link to your blog in the comments here!
i would love to know and see what you do!!
i already can't wait for next month.)


happy summer.

today, i'm happily working from home
while brian takes the kids to the store and a movie.
(i'm so thankful for him.)

while i'm uploading, creating and organizing my work,
i wanted to wish you all a happy summer.
we're in the thick of it~
loving the sun,
the freedom in our schedule,
the loads of popsicles,
and as much friend time and water play we can take.

this photo above was taken on what felt like one of the first days of summer around here.
we had two friends staying with us
and we all ventured down to portland's

this photo reminds me why i LOVE kids.
have you ever seen an adult cross the street with this much enthusiasm??
i mean really.

here are a few more from the day:
happy summer.
go get wet.


a familiar family.

CA session six.
at home | san jose, ca
you have met this family before.
but you should meet them again.
and you will fall in love with all of them.

everyone, this is the barnas.

they've grown in size as i've grown as a photographer.
we started photographing them before they adopted mei-mei.
and then after she came home.
and then as they assimilated into a family of five.
and then after they gave birth to baby asher.
and now here they are.
all grown up into a family of six.
and in a new beautiful home.

once again, thank you for sharing your lives with me!
love, your non-local family photographer. ;)


our family birthday drills:

throw some decorations together.
a scraggly banner,
a few balloons,
and a homemade sign.
make the birthday boy some breakfast in bed.
with one candle.
line up outside of their room,
in pjs
with morning breath and bedhead hair.
sing happy birthday.
video tape.
snap lots of funny pictures.
and then stare at the birthday boy while he eats.
(some of us ask for some of his food.)
one of the kids usually takes this classic shot above.
it almost always looks this good.
(you should be thankful it's a little blurry.)

comes running down the steps.
a favorite among the short people who live here...

there are little notes on many of the steps.
all shouting to the birthday kid
how old they are
and how loved they are.
we have presents:
in oliver's case, we have ONE main present.
so we thought he should work for it on a scavenger hunt.

HERE is what is happening in this series of pics:
1. big box containing one small paper with the first clue.
2. unwrap.
3. reading first clue directing him to front door.
4. front door clue directing him downstairs
5. downstairs dangling clue.
6. directing him to johnny cash in dad's office.
7. cash clue directing him to dishwasher.
8. dishwasher clue directing him to attic.
9. attic directing him to keys.
10. then car.
11. then gift.
12. bringing in the loot.
13. unwrapping glee.
14. dad hogging the wii for himself. ;)

all of it took about 8 minutes.

and... this is how it's done in our home
on the morning of your birthday
six times a year.

(i haven't shared january, march, and may yet!!)

(what are your birthday traditions?)


the one i call "O-bo."

oliver | self portrait.

(the left portrait was done in september, and the right was done late spring.)
doesn't it seem he's grown quite a bit?
at least his outfit has gotten more interesting...
and his expression seems so much more self confident.
and i guess he should be.
he turned nine today.

i think nine is big.
it feels a little like one of the big birthdays.
because it signifies a real marker in our parenting of them:

the half-way point.
 i know they may not be done living with us at 18,
but it's definitely possible.

i was telling oliver about this, and he gave me that little smile
that showed an internal thrill.
i know he'll be great... and i can't wait to know him in that stage too.
but for now when i think about it,

 i get a little panic in my heart 
when i think about them out on their own.
not because i doubt their abilities,
but because there is so much left that i want to show them and teach them

and i worry about all the ways i fail right now.

but my greatest hope
is that my kids will see my failures
and know 

that my story is one 
of failure and redemption.
(on constant repeat)

that repentance
brings freedom.

that perfection
isn't for this place we live.

that there is ONE whose love
is greater than my own
and will never fail them.

if only i could wrap those things up
for my magnificent nine year old
as his gifts this year,
i would.

more on the birthday festivities to come...