
the littlest of things...

make life grand.


this sweet babe was part of a "pay it forward" photo shoot.

my dear friend trevor recorded the new song on my website for me
without taking any compensation.
(go listen)

in my gratitude,
 i asked if they would like to give a photoshoot away
to someone they know in return for such kindness.
they picked a sweet family right here in portland.

the family happen to own a fantastic business
the take old used up books, and turn them into the best of journals.
(i've already bought one for someone on my christmas list.)
their journals are sold around the country! and online (above).

my personal favorite shop that sells them is:
NOUN: a person's place for things.
if you're in portland, this is definitely the place to go.
(and you can grab a st. cupcake while there! YUM!)

we've celebrated the thanks,
now we're moving into the giving season.
(i'm so thankful for giving people who inspire me!)


stay warm this winter.

just in case you're feeling a little blue 
about the cold weather coming, 
or completely frightened

by the grey wintery days ahead,
i thought i'd suggest some ways to warm up:

1. snuggle up to a tree,
 2. run around like you're being chased by a dragon,
 3. dress like a polar bear,
5. keep warm and cozy in a knitted cap.
do whatever it takes.
just keep warm.

happy end of thanksgiving- back to school tomorrow- almost december!



this thanksgiving,
let's all hold those we love
just a little tighter.

(more to come kay family!)

we'll be giving thanks around a smaller table this year.
we have our dear friend david coming for a visit.

i'm always amazed by how friends can feel like adopted family
when you live so far from your own.

but this christmas, we'll be visiting our family!
we're all looking forward to that.

in the midst of digital connections,
i'm thankful for the actual physical presence
we can have with one another.

coffee with a friend.
a quick hug in passing.
a warm meal shared.
(especially the kind that has turkey and gravy.)

i'm hoping you all are surrounded by friends and family this thanksgiving.
and that you have many things to give thanks for.

i'd love it if you'd share one thing here...
being thankful can be contagious.
and so refreshing in the midst of all the complaining in the world.

happy thanksgiving to all!!


happy friday | 11.18.11

All my favorite people are broken
Believe me, my heart should know
Some prayers are better left unspoken
I just want to hold you and let the rest go

All my friends are part saint and part sinner
We lean on each other, try to rise above
We are not afraid to admit we are all still beginners
We are all late bloomers when it comes to love

All my favorite people are broken
Believe me, my heart should know
Awful believers, skeptical dreamers, step forward
You can stay right here, you don’t have to go

Is each wound you’ve received just a burdensome gift
It gets so hard to lift yourself up off the ground
But the poet says we must praise a mutilated world
We’re all working the graveyard shift
You might as well sing along

Cause all my favorite people are broken
Believe me, my heart should know
As for your tender heart, this world’s going to rip it wide open, 
It aint gonna be pretty, but you’re not alone

All my favorite people are broken
Believe me, my heart should know
Awful believers, skeptical dreamers, you’re welcome
Yeah, you’re safe right here, you don’t have to go

Cause all my favorite people are broken
Believe me, I should know
Some prayers are better left unspoken
I just want to hold you and let the rest go

~ all my favorite people~
by over the rhine.


you can listen to this song and others through the website above.

you should also check out:
the milk carton kids


i had the wonderful opportunity to hear them both last night.
incredible show. both bands we're great.

this photo above also made me want to cry when i saw it.
it shows exactly how i feel sometimes.
and it's so much of what i love about being a mom:

the difficulty, the unknown, the confusion, and stress of it all
just sort of wash away in the warmth of a child's embrace.

it's similar to this song.

all of our brokenness crashes into one another
as families, friends, community,
but learning to hold one another despite,
 somehow allows us "let the rest go."

we are truly "late bloomers when it comes to love."
who can say they love well?

but "all of my favorite people are broken."
it's true.
you're in good company.

now go hold someone and let the rest go.
happy friday.


can we all win?

i would like to share with you (for hours if i could)
about some of the things swirling around my head.

i'm thinking about my business, my calling, my story.
and i may be right in the middle
 of watching those things morph together 
or into something else entirely.

i've been wanting more.
i've been wanting to give back more than i do.

recently, i saw this little "contest" created by blake mycoskie,
founder of TOMS shoes,
called Books for Bloggers.

basically, he wants to promote his book,
(we all promote something.)

the cool part of him promoting his book
is that like his other endeavors,
he's giving things away (his books and children's books).
AND his book is about giving more with your life/business!

so, i entered.
i wrote to them and shared why my blog should be selected for their program.
and guess what??

i recently got this in my email:

and then, a few days ago, i received my books in the mail.

so i'm now writing this post to you all to:
1. make you aware that this book giveaway will be happening right here on this blog. (stay tuned.)
2. my brain is on an idea roller coaster of how to do more with my business and life.

i expect the book giveaway will be happening in a week or so.
(i'm currently on chapter two.)
and i expect some real changes to be in the works for kpp.
(coming in 2012)

my photography business has been an incredible, life giving endeavor for me.
now i want to take that to the next level.
i'm excited.

and i do think we all can "win"
by being givers.
join me??



when i edit photos from sessions,
i feel like i'm reliving those moments with my clients~

like when this sweet baby girl's shoe fell into this fountain.
and when big brother got quite attached to the dime he fished out of there.

these are the things i love to capture,
relive, and help you remember~
the ordinary things you do with the people you love.

(more to come!)


happy friday | 11.11.11

abigail asks me all the time for a sister.
this picture makes me want one for her equally as much.

i'm thankful for my sister too.
she has a unique and precious place in my life. she's a gift.

and i'm so thankful for the chance to photograph these precious sisters
ever since the younger was in her mama's tummy.
what a gift to watch them grow.

((girls, let's play hide and seek again soon!!))
happy friday!! xo.


peak at two:

there are always those pictures that jump out at me
when working through a photo shoot.

there are always ones that i instantly love.

these are two:

(gamble gardens | palo alto, ca)


oh sunny day!

i'll be reviewing some of my recent sessions here in the next weeks.
(they make me happy!!)


these were the first moments behind my camera in CA.
 (burlingame, CA)

the location was unbelievably bright and beautiful.

but i think what was in front of me that day
 was even more bright and beautiful.

thank you wang family!!
what a joy for me to work with you all again!

often my clients say they don't know how they'll choose between the photos in their proof album.
i don't envy that decision.
i would want all of them. i know i would.

i also have a hard time choosing which ones to show you,
but these five are very special.
i know that much.

stay tuned for more.
and check into my facebook page too: katieprentiss photography
for more photos and updates.


happy friday |11.4.11

happy friday!!
first watch this:
(totally worth it.)
(thanks to liz dark wiley for sharing on fb.)
and to think i was amazed at seeing this.


i'll be working feverishly here over the next few weeks.
editing so many beautiful CA sessions. 
(i can't wait to show you.)

for now, i'll leave you with this little tempting sneak peak.
these are two sets of sisters from my first two sessions:

does that tempt you to want to see more?
i do!

happy friday!!
