

my house is still. my little beauty is sleeping in her crib. the boys are out with dad. peace. sunlight decorates my walls. fresh air keeps me company through my open back door. i have time. the very thing i constantly crave is now my own and i find myself paralyzed by the innumerable possibilities of what i could do with it. i put on some light jazz, grabbed a book and the phone, just in case someone wants to interrupt my peace. just as i was about to read, i thought i could blog instead... so here i am.

abigail is now 20 months. she is full of life and activity. she loves exploring as long as her chubby hand is tightly wrapped around my finger. she is in love with her brothers and is currently unaware of how they exclude her-- thankfully.

oliver is four and a half and feels the half of the year is an important distinction. he is charming and witty and likes to quote movies or music. he decided he would probably be a rock star when he's older and because of that would probably need to grow his hair long. perhaps we'll allow him to get some tatoos and peircings too.

nicholas is the proud age of six. he loves creating through drawing, legos and any other toy or item he can manipulate. he charts the course into many different imaginary lands that he and oliver travel into throughout the day. they may start the day camping with their "kids" and the next time i enter the yard or room, they are courageously stepping across rocks that are surrounded by hot lava. the worlds change quickly, but the players are the same. i eavesdrop at times and whisper a prayer that they will always be such an encourager and friend to one another.

brian and i are seeing a light at the end of the seminary/ordination tunnel for the first time in years. our journey has been long, but we are thankful for the process God has brought us through. Brian passed the second to last hurdle before his ordination and will be recommended by the committee that orally examined him. i, along with his family and friends, am so proud of him. beyond the acedemics of it all, i'm proud of him as a father and spouse. neglect of wives and children is so prevelent in ministry especially when it's done "in the name of Christ." he doesn't do this. i see Christ in him, especially in the way he loves us.

so my quiet moment has produced a little update for you and a little contemplation on my family for me. enjoy.

1 comment:

Nanny said...

I loev the way you string your words together. This is a beautiful post