

we're all surrounded by longings- those things that seem just out of reach. sometimes it's simple needs like a nap or a hug and often we can take control to meet those desires. but there are others like a baby or a husband or a healing that seem to evade us. these desires can test our faith and our patience and often leave us in the land of disappointment.

so many of you who stop by this little blog of mine know these struggles all too well. you can't get pregnant after trying and trying. you wonder when and if God will bring you a husband like He has for so many others. you are disappointed with the job you have or city you live in. your heart breaks for your children who are living in their broken little bodies. you silently grieve the baby (or babies) you've lost without even holding them. you faithfully stay in a marriage that makes you feel all alone. or you long to hold the baby you intend to adopt as months and years go by and the waiting line grows longer and longer.

sometimes our specific longings make us feel all alone, but my hunch is that God intends them to bring us together... to cause us to cry to him and to need each other. my friend liz is currently in that adoption line. her heart longs to hold this little girl she's been dreaming of for so long. i'm hoping you will pray for this sweet family as they are waiting for a baby from china. they need wisdom to know what to do...
maybe you can whisper a prayer and visit her blog to encourage them...


jess said...

just stopped to pray for her. how i understand her heart! thanks for sharing. you are a beautiful friend!

MLS said...

Katie- Thank you for your entry. I have actually had one of those "longing filled" weeks. Thank you for your truth and reminder that we have community to rely on as we trust in the Lord's plans for us.
Please keep us updated on Liz.
Lauren Sheehan