
what? a post??

i promise you one thing little blog o' mine. i miss you when i'm gone. truly.

and when i stay away too long, it seems difficult to know where to start
but, here is where i'll begin for now:

i want all of you to know about these SAINTS that work so hard to bring hope to a place that is tortured with poverty. HAITI.

this sweet sweet mama has changed my life by sharing her heart for adopting two Haitian children.
i don't know her nor have i ever been to haiti.
but these stories have changed me.

even while our economy causes struggles for us, it is NOTHING like what these people face every year of their lives.
consider giving.
consider praying.
consider staying informed.

there are heroes among us.


Jean Joiner said...

the needs there are so great. we just watched a 60 minutes piece on Haiti and the work that Wycliff Jean is doing there. it was hard to watch and to realize what the people go through that live there. thanks for putting this on your blog.

slowpoke said...

oh katie. thanks for sharing this! the sweet girl... her arms!

Angie Davis said...

wow....as i sit here wondering if my baby is getting enough to eat!

thanks for always expanding my little world.

amy said...

we watched a video awhile back about how people in haiti were making "cookies" from dirt just to have something to fill their stomachs. it's absolutely heart-wrenching. compassion international has lots of precious ones to sponsor from haiti as well.